
I've absolutely been seated next to fans of the show. I don't know what the procedure is for them, but they are occasionally there — and they tend to get the "priority" seating, i.e. the front row.

When I first moved to L.A. I did a lot of background stuff on courtroom shows, including JUDGE JUDY. (Not everyone in the audience is background — some people are legitimate fans who want to see the show — but when in a single taping you shoot 8-10 cases, yeah, most of those people are paid.)

Rachel getting stalked is awful. It'd be the worst scene in the film if the Tower Farm didn't exist. Girard has no idea how to shoot stalking sequences.

If female GHOSTBUSTERS rapes your childhood but GHOSTBUSTERS II didn't, your childhood really needs better taste in metaphorical franchise rapists.

What? We get that scene of them in the tent where it's clear, before the finding of Selyse's body and the reveal that half his troops have deserted, that Stannis is disgusted with her (and himself).

No, the point of the "Experts" review is to freely be able to talk about the show and where storylines might be leading without risk of spoiling folks who only watch the show.

Oh look, Sean_C whining about GAME OF THRONES and completely unable to disassociate it from the books.

I was Olyphant's stand-in during the morgue scene. The bit with the power saw was the last day of shooting.

I'd argue the opposite — Series 7 is essentially so arc-free that it doesn't make much of an impact at all.

She even refers to them differently when the Moment shows the Doctors the devastation on Gallifrey. John Hurt is the Warrior, David Tennant is the Hero, and Matt Smith is the Doctor.

Into the Dalek's final number looks to be in the 7.4-7.5m range, which is dead even with how second episodes — like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (and The Rings of Ahkaten) — have performed in recent years.

I think he figured it out by the time of the anniversary — she gets some great stuff in both Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor, but those are so obviously busy with the Doctor(s) that she only gets moments. It's wonderful that she gets scene after scene to show who she really is.

A little slow in act one but I thought it really kicked into gear once Capaldi monologued about his cross eyebrows.

Naevia was passed from house to house, repeatedly raped and beaten, and finally left to die horrifically in the mines.

This is the episode that made me fall in love with SPARTACUS. The show had steadily been getting better, but Batiatus' "My word is kept — they are reunited" completely changed the game.

It's better than LOW WINTER SUN by virtue of the fact I don't have to ignore its bland ads during a much better TV show.

"The Lazarus Experiment" was great. It was so much better than "Fear Her"!

There's good stuff in the prequels, too. And they at least do me the courtesy of not making Han and Leia depressingly bland.

People who love RETURN OF THE JEDI and hate the prequels confuse me.

I'm much the opposite. I think the two-parters (even the excellent Human Nature) tend to have so much filler in part one that it hurts the overall experience. Watching The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone last night really drove that home for me; there's a whole lot of standing around in Time of Angels.