Thinking Of Changing My Name

After laughing about the very idea that President Trump could even be a thing for the entire campaign, the AVC wisely switches to headline reverse psychology.

I understand you're angry, but there's no call to disparage Szechuan sauce over this. You have to understand the amount of exposure McDonalds offered it; who among us could turn that down?

Now defend the passing-around of those stolen nudes by these very principled people. I want to see if it's possible for you to look shittier.

"You don't have to be horny to whack here, but it helps!"

Everyone wants Game Of Thrones ratings. Or Cosby Show ratings, I guess.

Wow, you use the same avatar as the person you're just trying to agree with and your posts are still too conspicuously dumb to blend in.

I missed the word misogyny when I skimmed this and thought you were addressing The AV Club.

To be fair, you did just out yourself by saying "pal".

And me!

"Luckily, my sister has had years to figure out how to communicate with my pompous ass"

Give them a hashtag for pity's sake!

I don't understand this poster. If Giant Spider-man is attacking the city, doesn't that make Forced Perspective Iron Man the hero of the story?

Why does any of this exist.

Are you Micheal Travers' alter ego?

I don't think you mean that Micheal.

Don't listen to Vladamir Putin on the internet everybody.

That was the depressing part; the funny part was watching him get destroyed by Andy "Controls The Universe Board" Richter.

All news is fake, man! I read it on The Anti-Media!

Don't forget Wolf "Negative 3600$" Blitzer, who said "crash" to an answer that already included the word "crash".

Ok we got Leo's head on… Putin's body, riding an oscar statue like the bomb in the cold war satire Dr Strangelove… because Leo's single-minded pursuit of oscar gold is like uh…