
This also adds a new layer to that State Farm ad where he says “NOBODY COMES INTO MY HOUSE”.

Excuse me while I Raljon.

They were going to call themselves La Chargers but La Yogurt gave them a cease and desist order.

We can still have Nicky Santoro call the preseason games, yakking in the second half about milk-fed veal.

Vegas is fine with getting the Raiders because they know Atlantic City’s NFL team will always be worse.

I said I wanted a HAAAALF completed stadium... a HAAAAALLLLLFFFF.

I said I wanted a HAAAALF completed stadium... a HAAAAALLLLLFFFF.

I’m glad Temple’s former head coach is heading to Baylor but sad that coach wasn’t John Chaney.

Like Goff, low score wins.

I’m With Raljon

I could tolerate the Marion Barry calendar on the wall. I could even stand the giant Bill Cosby mural on the side of the building, Ben’s Chili Bowl, but letting Drew Magary behind the counter is a bridge too far.

Even the baseball gods wanted this year to end early. Happy 2017!!!!!

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the 2016 Browns to trade down.

First they came for the local moms, but I did not speak for I did not look 29...

As a Six-*shotgun blast*

His mission accomplished after giving up a dinger to Tim Tebow, Jose Fernandez gets his wings.

Minnesota thought it was worth trading away the original emoji to get Sam Bradford.

Ironic that the #MobSquad is also the one team in the Witness Relocation Program.

The Tyler Perry Football Team

Shoulda been you, Marty Cordova, Jr.