
Lutz is the complete opposite of a “scared-old-man.” Think more like “salty seasoned automotive veteran” who has seen many car companies come and go.

Sorry, how is this a good thing? Interstate 66 is a public road funded by tax dollars and someone thinks it’s okay to charge nearly $40 to use it? That’s insanity. Especially since EZ pass is getting a cut

Why, because you don’t like the way the cars look? Grow up

The name is fine... overly sensitive people aren’t but here we are

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

Are you kidding me? People need to chill the F out.

People keep saying this, you have no proof of that and it makes little sense. The guy was running with a damaged car....he was already driving erratically before. The motorcyclist hardly added to it.

Different =/= better. I am resistant to changes that suck.


As someone for Central Jersey (yes, we exist damnit), New Jersey isn’t full of bad drivers, those drivers are from the states that around us (although Deleware isn’t too bad). Granted, you might see someone speeding around on the parkway, but that’s common. We know how to give each other space and not to tailgate

In a couple years when Autopilot’s been perfected

I am quickly becoming convinced that autopilot technology is the worst new automotive feature to be introduced this century. It doesn’t work perfectly, and it’s ideal for people to stop paying attention to the road.

I Accelerate in my car every day... you don’t see me making a video about it...

No, no, you misunderstood: I was referring to manipulating a donkey’s genitals.

Step 1. dont care what others think.



Dont SAY you dont care, but really do care. Be self-confident to the point that you honestly dont care what randon peoples opinion of you are.... then move on with your life.

Ok so as a NJ resident I feel the need to defend my home state, because everyone likes to shit on it. If your concept of the Garden State is limited to the industrial wasteland and traffic hell that is just outside of New York, I can understand. That area sucks...and NJ Transit sucks big time no matter where you live,

You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

Whatever man. Having a bunch or really insanely nice and cool cars doesn’t mean you have a small dick. I’m sick of this shit. I drive a really awful car and my dick is small and bad.

I’m a little biased since I have one, but it’s pretty striking how many cues the two share. Practically every design element of the concept is there in production.