Maybe they should have hired this guy.
Maybe they should have hired this guy.
Master Ken, Thrust of Freedom since 2012
I use the IFTTT app for this. You can customize the heck out of it by chaining multiple things with the same command.
For example, I have a “I’m Leaving/Home” that changes my Nest temp and turns off/on the lights. I have a “darkroom” one that changes the color of my bathroom lights to red so I can do some light…
And alarms that respond in multiple rooms. I have a Home and 2 minis. It would be nice to set an alarm on one and go to another room and still hear the alarm.
I agree with Shoop. I worked at a restraunt and know the majority of that work is done by the cook. Sure, it may vary by establishment and region.
As a motorcyclist, I would NEVER ride that close to the side of the road. You never know when someone will open their door or move into traffic. Take the middle or the left of the lane to ensure that you are seen.
For hiking, I’ve been told duct tape on the problem areas of your shoe. This will be slick and avoid friction on the sock and shoe to avoid the blister.
Well, pretty much. But should be able to be done with a jig saw, circular saw, drill, and router which you’ll need for the final result. A table saw, of course, would be extremely handy.
OK, well, I was bored. My post didn’t have anything to do with the conduct of either person. And I’ll refrain as someone has already passed judgement.
I’m not a high speed person in my car or on my bike. But the maneuverability of a motorcycle is much better than that of a car at high speeds and around curves. You have much more room to move on a motorcycle and one set of inline tires to hug the inner curves.
Nah, he’s trailering. He’s one of them ;-)
If De La Soul is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
I would add cheese to that list. But it didn’t start out that way.
Actually, it shows an image on the bookmarked page on the majority of the bookmarks I have.
The first time I saw Tony Horton do this, I thought "Yeah, whatever." One day I slept on my shoulder wrong and it was giving me a hard time. I pulled out my roller and gave it a try. Worked really well! I'll never doubt the method again!
You'd be surprised how sharp some of them are. The knife in question did not have the serration typical on table knives. I was able to do a "knife test" by drawing the length of the knife through cardstock. A coworker also cut their thumb on a serrated one (4 stitches).
I can vouch for the knife part. About 40 stitches, three severed tendons, and 3 months in a splint. All from a table knife!