The Devil and John Berryman

Of course, the one time the grays would be a benefit it isn’t being used.

Oh. So this is what the new AV Club will be like now. Fun?

Because he’s President of the whole united states? And he’s allowed to have his own opinions, but also still recognize it’s up to him to unite the opposing view points for the sake of the country? Or is that ancient, pre-2016 thinking and now the only way to be a patriot is to literally shit all over your neighbors?

He didn’t create Kinja.

I’m not surprised that one person, especially a someone born into wealth and with a rotting brain, can be this stupid. What I am still surprised by is how many millions of my fellow citizens just gobble his shit up. People that at least seem capable enough to know how to dress themselves and not randomly walk off into

White football players are some of the most conservative people in sports. It will never happen on a large scale.

And even if in Trump’s mind he won the popular vote due to illegal votes, it still would have been a virtual popular tie. He is saying he tied with a bad candidate. What the fuck would that make him?

With so much change at this site, I’m glad I can still count on over the top whining over months old plot points, even with plenty of warning, not only from the title of the article, but from actual, honest to god warnings. Thanks for making me feel at home again.

Within congress, there really isn’t anyone that is sacrificing ACA in order to prop up single payer. There are people that want single payer, sure, but they understand the political realities. To act like there are two equal and opposite sides to this debate is absurd.

At it’s core, that’s what all of the “we’ve been forgotten, you’ll feel our revenge!!” shit from the rural white is about. They want to be the cool kid taste makers. They want their terrible God movies to be hip and win Oscars. They want Tim Allen’s “This Isn’t Home Improvement?!” show to be all over the cover of

The south is probably what is going to save the country. Wisconsin, Michigan, PA, Ohio, Iowa, are all growing redder as their smarter citizens flee south. Texas, Georgia, and Florida will continue turning blue. The 2024 map isn’t going to look anything like the 2008 map.

I realized the other day that this is the main reason I don’t come here much. Sure, 75% of the commenters being gone doesn’t help. But even just to kill some time reading articles, I’d rather go somewhere that doesn’t actively hurt my eyes.

I honestly don’t know what the fuck you are even trying to say right now. Sometimes people can be saved by medicine but...shouldn’t? For...reasons?

Yes, the case where a child had a curable issue and had his life saved due to having access to healthcare is exactly the same as a baby with an incurable chronic disease that would only lead to death. Exactly the same.

C’mon. The American people are a bunch of morons, but no one voted for a grey commenting system. That’s just sick.

There were definite trolls in the Disqus days. But they typically waddled over from places like Breitbart, hours after something was initially posted, and were immediately shot down. But now we are living in the trolls house, not only are they welcome here, they are encouraged here.

Yes, I promise I had the exact same reaction all of the times Obama and Clinton referred to the leader of N. Korea as Rocket Man.

I hate all of these Kinja people. I want our fun little club back that doesn’t get all bent out of shape when you dare suggest that maybe Trump isn’t that good at his job.

This isn’t the greatest article, but dude. You need to chill a bit. She’s one of the main writers, and even editors I believe. If you ever read the AV Club before you would have come across her quite often. She does have a tendency to get a bit “Gawker-y” but overall is a fantastic writer. Stop being such a dick. That

“was any of this shit really a milestone?”