
well, to maintain the current nuclear arsenal requires people, money and thus, creating jobs. Yeah, you didn’t know that but Trump certainly knows that’s how he claim he created jobs. True to his claim, the greatest ‘job’ President ever. Someone needs to help us and I know it’s not God.

haha.. if the bear could speak, he would simply say: Girl, your screaming is starting to cause me a headache. And when I have a headache, I eat little girl.

me to my wife waiting at home: sorry honey, I just missed our house so the car is now coasting to our neighbor’s house at the end of the street. You know the house of that gorgeous brunette.

not sure where you got the idea that the flashing ‘amber’ lights are harder to see than the normal ‘rear lights’. If people can’t see these flashing amber lights until they are too close, then they should be checking with their ophthalmologist. In foggy or a heavy driving rain storm, you should always use your