Tiger Champ Sport Kid

You’re right, it’s reverse racism!

So, you’re saying you want the Mets blamed for 9/11 forever. Because that’s what would’ve happened. Next year the terrorists fly buildings into NYC. Coincidence? (Yes.)


The only possible response:

I’m glad someone else feels this way. Something like 40% of the last two books occurred on boats, or in relation to boats.

“Four score and seven minutes ago, Jim Harbaugh brought forth on my feed a new tweet, conceived in snarkery, and dedicated to the proposition that Nick Saban is an asshole...”

This is starting to look more and more like prophecy. You’re like a Cassandra who can only predict things that will fuck her over.

I think it’s creepy that you and your hetero-gendered conjoined twin don’t think of yourselves as separate people.

Bad hustle, good hops.

Pictured: a low-level employee at RUSADA, and his girlfriend, an elite runner.

Yup! I agree—I lived there starting in the mid-2000s, and I’m not a native. I’m talking about Boston today vs. other major American cities today. And while it’s not “ramming old glory into someone’s gut to protest bussing” problematic, it’s still noticeably segregated by today’s standards.

I lived in Boston for five years, and it’s still a really segregated city. White people don’t go to Roxbury, the hispanic community primarily lives in E. Boston alongside a cadre of grumpy old Italian guys. Even now you don’t see many black folks on the common, for example.

As a longtime fan of the team, this is some of Cashman’s solid moves aging into mediocrity—Tex, CC, A-Rod (and whatever you may think of him, we don’t win in ‘09 without him) are all on the downswing and eating up payroll like Kobayashi eats hotdogs.

It’s going to be a terrible year, but Tex is gone next year,

hashtag oldmanarguments

While I agree with you, Deadspin does post lowlights. For example, the terrible triple play they posted recently.

I left Philadelphia in 2008, but to me this is the iconic expression of Philadelphia fandom. The narrative arc from the cameraman saying “that guy’s not very bright” to the hollow, resonant “thunk” the bottle makes when it hits the guy’s head is the best evidence of predestination I’ve ever heard of. Could it have

Oh, my God. Again, as a Yankees fan, fuck this noise. Ridiculous.