Tiger Champ Sport Kid

Howdy! I wanted to reply to your comment because I think it’s a great response by someone skeptical of my position in this thread. Also, I think that “act like you’ve been here before” is a perfectly reasonable way to approach the game for a given individual.

I have problems when people decide that it’s the ONLY

Nah, I said old white people think minorities have no class, and that the definition of “class” is something constructed by old white people.

What? That’s not what I’m saying at all. But whatever, you do you.


This thread is perfect, for reasons mostly to do with usernames.

TL;DR—Nerds, amirite?

I thought the hectoring of Drew was particularly inspired.

I’ve been a Yankees fan my whole life and I agree with you completely. I think anyone who’s honest—no matter how much they love the team—would.

Also that it lasts 90-97 minutes at most, whereas NFL games last 60 minutes in theory but actually go on for hours.

I really want a gif of that “skeptical young white guy in a suit” reaction. I feel like I could get a lot of use out of that in my life.

X’s and eyes.

Yeah, I wasn’t mentioning it to exonerate them.

Conflating “what I don’t like” and “what is bad” is basically the job description of sports media broadly. I love your style of writing, but more than that, I love the niche it occupies in an otherwise methane-emitting-and-inhaling ecosystem.

Quarterbacks are like fine wines: they last a long time locked in a basement.

I’m a guy who works in another tiny, male-dominated field, and what you’re saying is so real. The amount of proof that women have to produce in order to substantiate sexual misconduct by their male coworkers is ridiculous, especially considered relative to the damage a single dude can do to a woman’s career prospects

Yeah, so, while I am an American my grandfather fought in the Spanish Civil War on the losing side. So you can understand why my family isn’t “over it.”

It’s been days and I’m still unreasonably glad someone got the joke.