
I can't wait for Scott's podcast series about his love of reggae, Marley & Me.

I can only hope that this will be a shot-by-shot remake of that stellar Paul McCartney vehicle, Give My Regards to Broad Street, re-titled Give My Regards to Beyoncé and featuring Beyoncé's cover of "No More Lonely Night".

I can only hope that this will be a shot-by-shot remake of that stellar Paul McCartney vehicle, Give My Regards to Broad Street, re-titled Give My Regards to Beyoncé and featuring Beyoncé's cover of "No More Lonely Night".

Almost all of Kate Bush's recent Director's Cut improved on the originals.

Almost all of Kate Bush's recent Director's Cut improved on the originals.

I was recently listening to Outside - it has held up surprisingly well.

I was recently listening to Outside - it has held up surprisingly well.

I'd argue that Pop is actually one of U2's four best records. Then again I'm not sure how many consider Joshua Tree -> Pop their golden era - in North America, anyways, since the Berlin records seem to generally be better regarded in Europe.

I'd argue that Pop is actually one of U2's four best records. Then again I'm not sure how many consider Joshua Tree -> Pop their golden era - in North America, anyways, since the Berlin records seem to generally be better regarded in Europe.

I'd argue that Pop is actually one of U2's four best records. Then again I'm not sure how many consider Joshua Tree -> Pop their golden era - in North America, anyways, since the Berlin records seem to generally be better regarded in Europe.

I'm not sure I understand where Prince's The Gold Experience fits in this (it's included in the montage above) - most fans would easily include it among his ten best albums, and it's definitely his last fully satisfying work.

I'm not sure I understand where Prince's The Gold Experience fits in this (it's included in the montage above) - most fans would easily include it among his ten best albums, and it's definitely his last fully satisfying work.

I'm all for more about Gram Parsons on the AV Club, but it's not like there are a tons of places to start - this is essentially like doing a "Gateways to Geekery" on Big Star. It may have been more useful to do one on country-rock or "cosmic American music" as a whole that covered Gram, but also discussed acts like

I'm all for more about Gram Parsons on the AV Club, but it's not like there are a tons of places to start - this is essentially like doing a "Gateways to Geekery" on Big Star. It may have been more useful to do one on country-rock or "cosmic American music" as a whole that covered Gram, but also discussed acts like

So we can expect "Rock of Ages is a shockingly convincing film…" on the next series of ads, right?

So we can expect "Rock of Ages is a shockingly convincing film…" on the next series of ads, right?

Maybe she's being audited. For engrams.

Maybe she's being audited. For engrams.