
Re-teaching my mom to drive stick when she comandeered my YJ Wrangler. In order for her to be able to push the clutch down I had to double fold a pillow and put it behind her.

Full disclosure: i am asian.

I think it looks wonderful.

Boy would it be nice if we civilian off-road enthusiasts had access to such machinery—it would make our mud-pit extraction operations a heck of a lot more interesting.

I’m pinning a note to the corkboard that has our state-required minimum wage poster thing and our reminder to wash our hands that reminds everyone that Tom doesn’t like this sort of thing.

It’s beautiful. I want one!

Let’s not push him too hard. I sense DT is treading very close to PTSD territory.

What the Jeep dealer giveth, the sands of time taketh away.....and then promptly deposit in David Tracy’s driveway.

Ignore any naysayers David. I get it. I really do. Never change :^)