
Can I say my point of view as a Muslim? I’m not going to change your view point, just listen.

Do you think those Muslim neighbours know he lives there?
Do you fricking think that it does more good to them to hid him there?
I’m sorry to break your bubble, but those Daesh (ISIS) members were at first non-muslim “Muslims”

Sorry. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.

*Tag Heuer by Renault

ZZ Top was great. ZZ Top is great.

I can now post it as a reply instead of a comment.

im pretty sure thats not john mcclanes wife...

So basically what you are saying is a handful of maniacs decide to drop nukes that means it is totally cool to wipe millions of innocent people off the face of the earth?

And while it is possible that North Korea is just posting photos with mockups, or fake bombs, experts are saying that it looks like the real deal to them (viaAFP):

Nice. But it doesn’t beat this...

“Why am I drippings with goo?”

So, I’m a business owner and real estate investor, and his business record is not impressive. He started with millions of his dad’s money and proceeded to use corrupt, purchased influence over politicians to build just enough equity to leverage himself to the sky. Then he used the free cash flow to make himself flashy

It’s not about crapping on candidates. Do you really believe this guy can run our country? I posted this somewhere else yesterday, will do the same again. I believe that Trump simply isn’t qualified to be the president.

Trump bankrupted a casino.

His wheel, frame, collarbone... All Broeckx

Now playing

The guy riding is Rigo “El Avion” Salazar, this racing series are, in fact, here in Colombia, and the bikes are modified Yamaha RX115 2 stroke bikes, They also race Yamaha DTs and Kawasaki Victor 150.
2 stroke racing is more popular because of the stupid-high cost of sports bikes here in Colombia.
Racing is awesome,

Now playing

It is called Motovelocidad del Valle and it is awesome.

You’re missing the most important point: Yes, Compacts were shitty 40 years ago. But ALL CARS were shitty 40 years ago. ALL OF THEM.

“But, but, what about the (insert desirable old car here)? It was amazing and beautiful and better in every way than new cars!”

Nope. It was shitty.

That 40 year old Porsche 911? Shitty.