Not from the US. I’m used to driving/riding on narrow roads.
Not from the US. I’m used to driving/riding on narrow roads.
Sympathies for Pisa. Following the parking signs, went clockwise along the river and through the wrong part of the city, over the same bridge twice. (No GPS - trying to save data) In the end accidentally found the car park by the “this road seems to go in the right direction” rule.
There’s always this documentary from 1935
Pretty much what you’d expect.
It’s never going to happen... but Zenith would be pretty good. Watchmen with a bit of Lovecraft.
Just out of interest, what’s happens when you trail brake?
Ah, you want the ALL WEATHER version.
Wtff was that? Are they playing two soundtracks at once? I’ll have to view it on YouTube. I have so many questions.
*cannae go
Arguably she could just buy the chassis and have her own, special body made. None of those fussy McLaren so-called “aerodynamic”features. #fakeaero
As I commented over in AV Club’s version of the story...
I think I’ll have to rewatch it. Only watched it the one time: when it came out. Film club wannabe 24-year old me wasn’t impressed*
Fallout Shelter was developed in Behaviour Interactive’s now-closed Santiago office. Westworld was started in Santiago before closure. Core Shelter staff moved from Behaviour to Bethesda to enable further updates to the game. Westworld development was moved to Montreal.
FH2 was begging for a Mont Ventoux/Gorges du Verdon expansion. Storm Island. Pah!
I waited... nothing... looked through the greys/grays... nothing.