Great care went into selecting the right instrument. Tuba? Not enough low notes. Trumpet? Not quite. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah is more of a slide thing.
Great care went into selecting the right instrument. Tuba? Not enough low notes. Trumpet? Not quite. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah is more of a slide thing.
I still prefer angry hornets in a trombone...
We used to get The Drew Carey Show in the UK.
I’ve been reviewing onboard laps from 2015. They don’t pick the bike up at all T11-T12-T13 it’s treated as one variable corner, so maybe not braking. Just plain loss of grip.
Salom not “Salman” Bloody autocorrect.
I found TGK nearly unwatchable, hampered as it is by Korean TV memes and AUTOMATIC cars.
I think you’re confused as to which country Dublin is in.
Micra’s a heller. Take it down St Dennis, pull some maids. Proper job.
Submarines are “boats”, ships aren’t. Pedantics should’ve started a rival “Shippy O’Shipface”.
McQuaid’s Irish - born in Dublin.
I’ve never understood why each new version has had to zoom further into the future. What I always enjoyed about the first two MW was the feeling that it was at least partially rooted in real life... gritty SAS types (Yes, I miss “Soap”), familiar weapons and even simple levels like “Hunted” captured the feel of having…
By your definition then, Thomas Parker invented the first car in 1884, it just happened to be battery-powered.
There’s a 4C daily-driven near my work. I also see it on my way home. Distance between parking spots? Third of a mile.
He does seem somewhat in looooove with him... “LEAVE CHRIS EVANS ALONE!”
I suppose if you’ve bought your Porsche GTS and a Porsche mountain bike to go on a Porsche roof rack, you would like to know that you can do Porsche autobahn speeds with it.
Why can’t they go back to the old way? Kick your heels in a little bit, shake the steering wheel and say gee up or click your tongue. When you want to park it, pull the steering wheel, say “woah” and leave it near a horizontal piece of wood, or heavy rock.