Man, my stomach just turned because I hadn’t even thought of that.
Man, my stomach just turned because I hadn’t even thought of that.
He’s one of those idiots who say evil or racist or sexist things without any kind of setup or context and claim it was a joke without being able to explain what the joke was.
Alright, one more thing: What’s with the “pending approval” stuff? Who gets to approve what we say here? And what merits a non-approval? Should I have said “dirtbag” rather than “dickbag”? Should I not have said something negative about Kinja?
Notwithstanding that he’s a vile piece of shit, I feel like lengthy prison sentences are better suited to dangerous offenders. Shkreli’s mainly just a creep, who earned way too much money and acquired way too much power (which can’t happen without the complicity of others). I don’t have a ton of pity for his “victims”…
Serves him right for disrespecting the Wu-Tang Clan.
I wish I could enjoy this more, but my glee is tempered by the fact that he’ll be president in 12 years. Maybe less.
I’d like seeing Andorrans again. That’s one thing I’ll give Enterprise credit for.
It’s not unheard of: the mom on the Waltons was played by Michael Learned, making use of the name for women nothing futuristic or even new.
Take it away, Steven Tyler!
There are lots of reasons to manage expectations, but the amount of passion and attention to detail going into it gives me hope. Things like set design, costume design and special effects are clearly getting a lot of attention (the budget is outlandish), and that’s the type of stuff that - even more than the plot -…
While funny, that doesn’t conform to the conventional abbreviations for Voyager or Enterprise.
ST: Enterprise gets referred to quite often in the new movies. And this show’s prequel status probably puts it on the same footing. The Federation costumes are pretty reminiscent of the Enterprise jumpsuits, for one.
I’m super excited for this show, even though I know there’s a not insignificant chance it won’t live up to my hopes. Star Trek is my all time favorite series (or was, before Gravity Falls came along) and while I don’t understand why we keep getting prequels instead of something set later in the timeline, I’m not going…
These new Klingons would look more like the old Klingons if they just put some hair on ‘em.
Be nice, she’s using Bing for goodness sake!
For a debut comment, that was certainly . . . a comment.
Only good thing Trump ever did was bully the shit out of Ted Cruz.
Right in front of his salad, too.
I don’t believe Ted Cruz was the one that liked that porn video. The only porn Ted Cruz is into is where the submissive is humiliated and insulted by the Dom. Ted loves watching a real Alpha guy tell some creepy wormy looking guy that his wife is ugly and his Dad killed JFK. Ted always climaxes when the wormy guy…
I’m currently at work and very hungover. This simultaneously brightened my mood and made me want to throw up a bit.