
Whatever happens, it will be artfully done.

Thrawn’s done more than okay against Knights but I wonder how he’ll fare against a Rukh.

I don’t think it’d be too difficult; the Battle of Scarif through the eyes of the crew of the Ghost, it would maybe also provide a reason why they’re not present at the Battle/Evacuation of Yavin. They could also flesh out some of the other characters from Rogue One.

So this has actors named Orlando Bloom and Cara Delevingne, and you’re making fun of the character names...?

This two foot ditch is all that protects Washington State from evil Canadians coveting our cheaper milk, in case anyone tries to tell you the Border Wall is about national security.

If Mexico’s going to pay for the wall, and FEMA’s the one that’d be giving money for the wall... does that mean that FEMA is Mexico?

1.. Right-wing guy uses a photo of people in a crisis to make a politicized point about “gender roles”.

“Chows will not replace us!”

Missed the “whistle” on the first read. Did not like that mental image.

Had he ended it with something like “this is how it’s supposed to be, people helping people” instead of some red pill nonsense about gender studies it would have been a nice sentiment.

Flag on the moon. How did it get there?

And then the boat they get into, despite what your land vehicle studies professor says.

Life in this society being at best an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women there remains to civic-minded responsible thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.

Jon and Dany share a buttload of DNA.

They may think it, but they’ll never ever say it.

How long before even Republicans have to say “Alright, his brain is clearly just a bunch of cobwebs and old issues of TV Guide”?

“Trump made a point to congratulate FEMA Administrator Brock Long, saying he’s ‘becom[e] very famous on television in the last couple of days.’”

Jesus, Katie. Trump is the worst, but you are reaching so hard here to make your daily snark quota.

.... for a “black” man

To be fair, we’ve all had that experience where you can’t open your blister plastic knife packaging, so you buy another knife to cut it open, but that one is in plastic too, so you buy another one, and so on until your house is full of knives and your wife leaves you.