
Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

I’m in IT and if I were responsible for sourcing and migrating to a new system that was literally a step back from the existing technology and riddled with issues post-migration, I’d be fired.

If repeatedly pointing out how awful Trump is works as well for Clinton’s memoir as it did when it was the main plank of her campaign, I predict excellent sales for The Art of the Deal.

I’m just here to complain.

I’m not waiting for permission... I say its time for our commenters to crack each others’ heads open and feast on the goo inside.

Fuck you. Johnson took twice as many from Trump. YOUR candidate lost, quit trying to blame anyone else.

Stein was a nonentity, and even if you assume that she didn’t exist and every single vote for her went to Clinton the Democrats still don’t carry enough states to win. Do the math.

This is bullshit. Just because the left “picked” Hillary they all need to unite and support her?

I love Jezebel. I really do. I happily voted for Clinton. This all seems profoundly misguided, though. How can we blame anyone but ourselves and the people who voted for Trump? Clinton was knowedgleable and experienced— singularly so — unfortunately, none of this made her a good candidate for this election. We

Maybe the Democrats should have nominated a Democrat instead of a self confessed centrist Republican? Blame the candidate and the crap campaign she ran.

As an independent who traditionally leans left (and did not vote for HRC), I have been embarrassed to see all of the vindictiveness towards third parties, as if it is somehow their fault Hillary didn’t win. Hillary Clinton was literally the only candidate on earth that Trump could have beaten, and he did it. The

I’m guessing MLK would not be thrilled with you right now, Jill! He’d probably wonder why you didn’t rally your supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton so, I don’t know, maybe we could avoid Donald Trump unraveling eight years of Obama gains and appointing two Supreme Court justices. I DON’T THINK HE’D FIND YOUR

And Fuck Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the leadership and strategists at the DNC. Over the past decade, Democrats have managed to lose the majority of state legislatures, the majority of state governorships, the house of representatives, the senate, the presidency, and likely the ideological balance of the supreme

When will the big fuck yous come out for Hillary Clinton for running a garbage campaign, and for being unable to match Obama’s performance with blue collar white voters in the rust belt which would have let her win. Everyone who voted for her in the primary supported an unelectable candidate, and told themselves

Yes, how dare the third party candidate consider running her third party campaign. Honestly, this is the mentality that leaves voters feeling sad though they only have two shitty choices.

Or how about fuck the Dem party for conspiring to block a popular candidate to nominate a lying criminal instead.

How about “fuck the american electoral system”?

Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.

Now playing

I’m over my secessionist moment. I am not going to run away from that piece of rancid pigeon meat. I am going to turn and fight. I leave you all with this: