Cultural relativism is bullshit.
“It’s in this context that one can mount a defense of sorts for Mr. Weinstein, who inhabited a moral universe that did nothing but cheer his golden touch and wink at (or look away from) his transgressions — right until the moment that it became politically inconvenient to do so.“
I might find that easier to swallow if he’d mentioned to Ford at least once during production that this was his intent. Sounds like a massive retcon to me because he thought it was a cool idea.
You can tell he’s human and not a replicant because you can see his foggy breath in the last scene.
Saw this in the theatre when it came out...have seen it many, many times since. Never for a second thought Deckard was a Replicant. Didn’t see it alluded to in the film.
I don’t think you can get aluminum magnets.
so you are now arguing against the legal system? Hmm, not very patriotic of you.
Guys, this is no laughing matter. Clearly this is going to be hard for Ted Cruz to get through, but if I know Ted Cruz, he’ll keep pounding it out as a member of the Senate. He has the ability to come back from this, but it’s going to take some intense work on himself first. There’s no doubt that this is a sticky…
Don’t you guys know that Germany completely forgot about Hitler after they tore down all the monuments to Mein Fuhrer?
“...just in the name of some contemporary political cause.” You mean racism, you fucking idiot.
This is where we’re at? We’re pretending that Sean Spicer was a morally complicated man who was influenced by Trump, instead of the bleating asshole he’s always been?
I’m riding my bike in, so I’ll be wearing a helmet which I feel is a good idea.