
From some of the threads on the organizer facebook groups: suit up. Get front and center. Make sure we use our white privilege to help dissuade the narrative that it’s a bunch of whatever stereotype they want to use to discredit us.

tie-dye rainbow t-shirt, pink pants or skirt and an American flag headscarf or yamaka. More importantly, just being present to show resistance is key.

On [Trump’s] orders, the demolition workers cut up the grillwork with acetylene torches. Then they jackhammered the friezes, dislodged them with crowbars, and pushed the remains inside the building, where they fell to the floor and shattered in a million pieces.

I can’t help compare and contrast this with Ferguson. Ferguson happened after a murderer walked free, the town erupted, and the response was militarized and brutal.

Spoken like a true Christian. No, really. Apparently Christians are fucking assholes.

Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

I’d just like to point out that I greatly dislike the term “Frunk.” I much prefer the combination of the British-sourced “Boot” with the common “Front” for the delightful “Froot.”

that would require him to last until the season premiere which is still six weeks away

Jesus, someone at SNL must have a bulletproof rabbit’s foot or horseshoe or something, because just when I thought the inspiration for their best bit of the year was vanishing to the Great Podium in the Sky, into the national spotlight comes an even better character. Hell, McCarthy could just make SNL her full time

This is what happens when you cram on Civics 101 two days before the inauguration using a Texas State Board of Education-approved textbook.

This isn’t quite true. Unlocking framerate actually can affect loading and there’s actually mods for prominent games that toggle VSync and frames during load times. You transition faster from loading screen to the game itself and that time can add up.

As Burneko said, there really is nothing worth saying beyond that our president is really fucking stupid.

Most Republicans were loyal

Um, we use natural gas mostly.