
I tend to disagree with Michael Avenatti’s idea that the way to win the Oval Office in 2020 is to fight fire with fire. Trumpism works on Trump’s base and was strategically assisted to a disproportionate electoral victory by a disinformation campaign. Trump’s base is notoriously misinformed having been groomed for

I alternate. I go long stretches where I run with music but haven’t been running with music for about six months. When I run with music it helps set up milestones along my run and to improve my pace. I unplugged last spring and have found a different type of focus developing that I appreciate. This has been true

Palapatine seems to have lich like qualities, especially given his ambiguous back story with Darth Plagus.

It would be the perfect way to end the week and an early Christmas present if Trump requested political asylum in Argentina.

The hypocrisy of it is that the meme he retweeted was probably made in Russia.  

This isn’t the conservative “fringe.” Erickson is just showing his hand a little early.

Hey- we only opened up our dispensaries a few days ago and you’re already calling us BoStoners? Hilarious.

Justice Roberts comes from a naive and quaint time in American politics when the difference between a liberal and a conservative was a disagreement over income taxes or waging pre-emptive wars.

I would have been fine if there had never been another Avatar film. The first was it’s own self contained story, however derivative it might have been. I wasn’t curious about anything following the ending of that film. The story was told and concluded and I went home unmoved by the plot but certainly dazzled by the

I’m not technically savvy with VPN’s and DNS and I’m sure those of you who are have a workaround but my problem with using Cloudfare’s solution is that it disables the ability to receive SMS text messages and phone calls on the iPad. The former is more important to me than the latter but I still value both.

Trump’s criticism of Macron’s approval rating is ironic considering his own. I imagine Trump critiquing Trump.

You’re probably right. But my preference would have been Arya killing Cersei wearing Joffrey’s face for good measure.

What’s important to realize, aside from an immediate gains Kemp hopes to attain, is that this is not just about the current election. It’s a template for what future Republicans will refer to in order to disenfranchise voters and undermine American democracy and values.

I don’t know if Disney will hire him back but I’ve always thought he would be the ideal director for a Buckaroo Banzai reboot.  

Does this mean that Trump himself will now be officially classified as a fungus given Stormy Daniels description of his genitalia?

He’s coming along though.  Up until recently he thought being binary should be illegal and keep you from you using a public bathroom.

My whimsical imagining of Aryas final scene- she takes the face of Jeoffrey and beheads Cersei.

One thing I think would be really interesting is that if the Picard spin off involved a more significant time jump since Nemesis than the audience would expect. There are a couple of reasons I think this would be interesting, but mostly it would hinge on the idea that in the 24th or perhaps even the 25th century

Like so many in Trump world Stephen Miller is a caricature of a Martin Scorcese character.  I don’t say that in a good way.