
The problem with Trump being anywhere near anything related to 9/11 is that whereas most people see a national tragedy he probably sees a template for increasing his poll numbers to increase a less disastrous outcome in the coming midterms. There’s an inevitable chain of overly simplistic wag the dog scheming

Pence offering to take a lie detector test is rich. The guy is a snake. The only distinction between him and Trump is that he’s slicker in wrapping the whole stinking, anti-American mess in some rational/measured sounding language and the American flag. The policies these guys advocate should always be presented in

The irony of this is that it was probably John Barron.

I’ve said this elsewhere but I think it’s worth repeating as this develops. Trump is not going to be taken down by his opponents. He’s going to be taken down by his supporters, enablers, and the people who are closest to him.

I didn’t realize Mike Pence considered himself a senior administration official.

None of this is going to change my opinion about Trump. I blame those who, for various reasons, decided or were convinced to vote for him. Many of them, sadly, are in my own family, are co-workers, or friends around whom I must tread carefully because saying “I told you so” is counterproductive. The commonality in

This is all going to make a great Martin Scorcese film someday.

This is Trumps strategy. The truth isn’t the truth. The theory is if it comes down to a he said vs she said situation then nothing happened. Trumps found this works well in cases of sexual harassment and infidelity as well. 

On the plus side this is all going to make a fabulous Martin Scorsese film someday.

But hey- she says she was drunk so that means she really wasn’t responsible for her actions anyway.  

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

I got a Casio VL-1 keyboard calculator when I was 13 years old.

This is fake news. The real reason the parade was cancelled is because they couldn’t get the balloon there in time.

Is that the way it works in Russia? I actually don’t know since I live in a liberal democracy and not a dictatorship like you all have over there.

If it means the last part of the procession is composed of MP’s with the goal of arresting him and his whole crooked junta then I’m all for it.

I agree that it won’t matter to the majority of his dedicated supporters. And it doesn’t matter to people like myself either because we don’t need the tape to know what is plainly obvious and is sadly not his only disqualifying fault.

Yep- There’s something along the lines of the Battlestar Galactica reboot/Matrix that is tugging at the underbelly of this show.

I don’t know if I would have called First Blood, the first Rambo film, loud and dumb. Unlike subsequent films in the series, it did have a thoughtful underlying premise. And it was enormously influential laying the groundwork for virtually indestructible action stars that became common in later films like Die Hard.

While I definitely feel sympathy for this man there a couple of problems with this verdict. The first is that there’s no causal link between his use of the product and his condition. The science behind the California decision to label glyphosate this way is highly questionable and unusual. It’s also very political.

Err- obviously.