This debate is interesting in that it reveals the lengths to which fans will go to rationalize the desicions of set and wardrobe designers in order to create a consistent fictional storyline.
This debate is interesting in that it reveals the lengths to which fans will go to rationalize the desicions of set and wardrobe designers in order to create a consistent fictional storyline.
I don’t know if the characters have changed so much, particularly in the case of Bellamy and Octavia.
I’ve run many of Apple’s betas and generally speaking on the OS side of things there has been bugginess but nothing catastrophic.
People learn.
There’s a laughable irony in all this.
So what if he committed treason. There’s nothing illegal about it.
This show could easily have disintegrated into an incoherent mess after two or three seasons. Instead it did something that other shows haven’t succeeded at. The plots themselves have been mundane but it really has been the continuous infusion of new characters that the audience can care about and exploring their…
I’m honestly disappointed. I saw this is an opportunity to do something unique but I suppose it’s the practical move.
Judging from what is written on the back of the bus it would be easy to imagine that it’s an effort to ship the GOP to Mexico.
I think we decided that in our last election. We won by 3 million votes. Despite that the enemies of our country stole the government yet again by exploiting the weaknesses in our democracy. Liberal democracies such as ours are susceptible to demagoguery and populism, a fact the founders knew too well and which they…
I came here to say that. The chariots were great. I’d like to know more about them, both the fictional and real world specs.
Meet Trumps future public relations director.
This is like a racist loophole using cops to promote intolerance. Leaving aside all the problems that law enforcement has with racism and accepting that the police need to respond to these situations the correct outcome for this is that once they’ve determined they’ve been used to harass someone that person should be…
Yeah, Giuliani fancies himself such a legal genius that he probably figured he could come out and gaslight everyone to think it’s above board. In his mind it’s not the court that decides legal issues, it’s him.
Look, the only person who could have stolen this is Michael Avenetti. He’s just building some drama before he reveals at a news conference that he is, in fact, Iron Man.
I’ve tried to imagine how Avengers 4 is going to undo the conclusion of Infinity War, not because I have any special attachment to the characters but that I simply can’t conceive the studio moving on without Spidey. Not to mention that I felt Loki’s death was a feint, but that’s another discussion.
I disagree with both Gunn and Wong entirely.
I had written how I suspected that the Raj scene was in a different timeline and occurred the 30 years prior during the first incident. My suspicion was that the man we saw wake up on the shore wasn’t Bernard but rather Arnold- Wrong there, it’s definitely Bernard since Stubbs called him by name.
Politicians with Flake has absolutely no problem cultivating the populist mess that enabled the rise of a demagogue like Trump. These people created the obscene monster that is the conservative electorate base through the encouragement of willful ignorance and the use of propaganda tools like Fox News. It’s all nice…