
I was thinking of the Sherlock Holmes cinematic franchises and the intricate web of casting in the inevitable Kevin Bacon game I play whenever I see a Marvel movie. To see both Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey on screen with each other, two actors portraying decidedly different but manically similar versions of

These people are the definition of parasites. They contribute nothing to society and left to their own devices would move our civilization backwards rather than forward. It’s amazing how worthless these people are in spite of their ill gotten bank accounts.

Frankly, Loki’s death seems like a stretch and felt awkwardly inconsistent for this character. That level of self-sacrifice seemed unnecessary at just that moment. I came away thinking that this one scene was the lynchpin on which the conclusion of the movie would be undone.

Well yeah- Rocket and also Groots left arm.

Is Loki really gone?

Which implies that this is definitely a thing that he’s seen his fellow Tesla drivers doing.

That’s an amazing coincidence. Lol

That could be. I’ve had coffee in Buenos Aires that rivals Italy, possibly due to the large Italian population. I wonder if Argentine cattle are grass fed in support of your hypothesis.

I hate avocado so don’t assume. It makes an ass to of you and me.

I have some related speculation regarding Peter Abernathy and that is that he’s a host version of Logan. Part of this stems from the hostility older William has for him. But also his quirkiness on finding the photo.

Thank you for this. This is something that had to be written.

I agree about the MAGA idiots. A bird doesn’t have to know about aerodynamics in order to fly.

I attribute it to the Kennedy years. Prior to Kennedy the Democrats were what dominated by machine politics in urban centers as well as the Dixiecrats in the South. Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard, though a conservative by all appearances and motives, was likely a caricature of a corrupt democrat.

My take on Kanye is that he’s a poser. He’s embraced the idea that being an iconoclast and a contrarian can be conflated with genius, probably believes it in his incapacity to reason and in appeasement to his ego, and peddles it to his fans.

Did the thing! Slavery?? Lynchings?? It was unclear what “thing” Republicans did, but they sure did that.

For sure except that in the case of BSG Cylons were somehow fertile and more biologically human like. The hosts in Westworld may be partially organic but whatever they are made of isn’t human tissue. You can fix their skin with a blow torch.

I think the most interesting outcome from this scenario is for a civilization of hosts who don’t know that they’re hosts. Essentially, Westworld isn’t set in our future but rather in our past and that we, the audience, are unknowingly hosts with our memories manufactured from the fragments of humanity that were Delos

Anthony Hopkins was a big draw for Westworld. I miss him already.

If this were a reality tv show I would almost bet that in next weeks episode the mystery guest star would be Anthony Weiner, thus providing the scandalous linkage to Obama via Hillary’s former assistant.

That’s a great question to ask her-