If your brother isn’t a tax dodging fascist billionaire then Trumpcare could care less about him.
If your brother isn’t a tax dodging fascist billionaire then Trumpcare could care less about him.
We’re already under the heel of an actual dictator.
Just to be absolutely clear what this really means.
That guy is like an accident waiting to happen.
The irony, and hypocrisy, here is that it is precisely because we live in a liberal democracy that conservative traitors like Spicer are tolerated.
I was half expecting Sally Fields to pop out saying that she’s been wanting to jump a house since 1977.
There must be something in the water these idiots are drinking.
In related news, Sessions has vowed to appoint Alexander Bortnikov as an independent investigator in case he is forced to recuse himself. Bortnikov has vowed that his current role as head of the FSB will not constitute a conflict of interests and will only foster better Russo-American ties and more golf courses near…
I don’t know- Michael Scott had bigger hands and was more competent at business. For me he reminds me of either:
Didn’t the guy in the picture above die on the 100 last night?
Trump just said that NSA leakers are going to pay a big price.
Ryans comments sound, comparatively, presidential and shockingly in these times responsible. They are an antithesis of the unnecessary trade wars that Trump has in mind to feed to his constituents and inflict upon American’s.
Holy shit...
The groom’s father threatened to cut his son out of the family business, Long Island Pipe Supply, and cut him out of the will if he went through with the marriage.
Dementia is the least of his problems. This is a guy who talks in the third person both figuratively and literally. Not only does he refer to himself in the third person, he has actually impersonated his own publicist to speak about himself.
It’s hard to say that the polluters are the direct link to the consumer. They are typically several steps removed from the consumers. Take miners as an example who may contaminate ground water with arsenic and heavy metals. Whatever they are mining doesn’t end up directly in the consumers hands. It is processed…
Waiting for the other foot drop.
Coincidentally I was thinking this very thing this morning while expanding on my Simpson’s inspired Stonecutters fantasy.
I’ve had a suspicion that Russia’s interference in the recent election has been in support of the long term geopolitical goal of reconstituting the territory of the former Soviet Union. In particular, I view the annexation of the Baltic states to be the end game of this particular gambit.