“his dream of saving us all from this hell on Earth and escaping to Mars”
“his dream of saving us all from this hell on Earth and escaping to Mars”
I don’t know exactly what will happen next but I suspect that at some predetermined time within the next four years the Baltic states will be “reunified” by Putin under the pretext that the Russian enclave of Kallingrad requested Russian intervention. I believe this has been Russia’s play all along, following the…
This failed the Turing test.
On the plus side this is all going to be a hilarious sitcom.
Monsanto won’t exist anymore after 2017.
“Though we wail and gnash our teeth, Trump will almost certainly be coronated on January 20.”
As I wrote in another thread, I don’t think that Ford’s character is really dead despite having been shot through the eye. Instead I think this was a host that appeared to be Ford that was killed, specifically the host that was seen being manufactured in the episode where Teresa died. Someone pointed out that there…
I have to be honest- I didn’t buy into the “big twist” at first because it appeared too obvious. The same is true of Bernard being a host. But then it started to seem that the mysteries of this show weren’t mysteries at all but just hiding in plain sight.
“Keep tweeting, Trumples, I’m sure your buddy Vladimir Putin is reading with steadfast devotion—along with a vast swath of other, well-meaning characters.”
I think Felix and Sylvester are hosts as well for the simple reason that Maeve seems able to at least believe that she can harm them. It really hasn’t been clear to me if those two weren’t androids why they would be so afraid of Maeve.
Yeah- I get that is one way to keep it together.
Believe it.
“Let’s hope that he was playing a character for campaign purposes,” she said. “He’s an entertainer. Let’s hope that that’s what he was doing and that the Trump that becomes president, [that he] feels the weight of the position, the responsibility and duty of the position, and realizes that governing a divided country…
From me the root of the problems in American politics is the unholy alliance between the GOP and Fox News. The purpose of this alliance was to subsume populism under the umbrella of conservatism. It had gone too far and we now have a president elect who is a republican but not a conservative. The process by which…
Being an educated Caucasian male the term “white-lash” implies that I bear some responsibility for Trump. I’ve fought with my friends and relatives about it. I am sickened by this result in a way I have never been sickened by politics before, not even when Gore lost to Bush or Bush was re-elected by swift boating John…
How did this happen?
Appropriately enough for this election year the CEO of the National Enquirer is named Dave Pecker.
I’ve never put my car in park while stopped at a light. However my new car has a hill holder feature that is great. I had an old Subaru with this feature, an XT coupe, and it’s nice to see this feature making a come back in higher end cars.
I’m really surprised that they claim Pariah was inspired by Buenos Aires. I’ve travelled to Buenos Aires dozens of times and spent six months living there and Pariah doesn’t really share any similarties to it that I could tell. Buenos Aires has a very European flavor to it, reminiscent culturally of Italy and is…
I have a competing idea I’ve posted elsewhere