
I have a feeling that the Event isn't going to fare very well. This is disappointing because I find Jason Ritter to be very likable I want to see this actor succeed.

The history of this show is an interesting parallel to Smallville. Both shows, about extraterrestrial teens, dabbled in dark story lines and went off the skids after promising early seasons. It remains, at least for me, a puzzle how it is that Smallville is still on the air.

Any particular reason why this clip had to end so abruptly?

Saturn 3's poster was up there for me:

Maybe it's just be me, but the idea that David Tennet convincingly portrayed a godlike alien strikes me as ludicrous.

It must suck to have all the other fish call you a dickhead.

I would have included either or both Rev and Dashcommand. These commands provide a GUI and more to your cars on board computer via the OBD II port and a compatible interface. They receive and display in real time and provide logs of engine performance- Very Knight Rider-ish sans the Hass.

As an Android tablet has yet to reach the market, I would have to choose an actual product. By the time the first Android devices begin to appear Apple may have moved on to version 2.0 of the iPad. It's therefore a very speculative question to begin with. Do you compare the present iPad which competes against no

I've been looking for the old Smallville.

I say get rid of Robert Downey Jr. and put Scarlett up there with Blake.

For all the supposed power advantages that Microsoft apologists presume would come with a Windows 7 tablet the demo is embarrassedly slow.

Neglected in this is the appearance of R2-D2 and C3PO in Raiders of the Lost Ark (their images carved into a wall in the temple) and, more recently, the appearance of R2-D2 in the Star Trek "reboot."

The Event = Lost Finale

I'd still like to see Nathan Fillion as Bruce Banner.

@Captain_Tripps: Yes- It's true, myth frequently derives from a factual and historic event.

It's always amazing how many historians try to squeeze facts to fit the myth.

As I wrote the other day, I think Nathan Fillion would be a great choice for David Banner. He has the charisma to hold his own against the rest of the cast and I think he would make a good foil for Robert Downey Jr. I also think he has a great dramatic range, has an infrequently tapped dark side that would fit well

@murderface_: I'd like to see Fillion in this role for two reasons.

If Edward Norton is out and Joss Whedon is directing then a logical choice to play Bruce Banner for me would be Nathan Fillion.