
This is what happens when Clark Kent passes gas.

I've been waiting for a decent R-Type port since the Sony Clie NR-70.

If this tech ends up on a car's windshield we're all doomed.

@Slinkytech: And if you can puncture an air tank with heels you should also be able to puncture a gasoline tank with heels.

Heroes has become unwatchable. It is, at times, cringe worthy. Mostly it's just boring, which shouldn't be the case from a show with that title.

What worked for me was the intriguing premise, particularly the mysterious destination and purpose of a galaxy ship named Destiny created by a race of beings who achieved a transcendent existence. The metaphysical aspect of this is interesting and I hope that it is explored in a better way then the two preceding

I'd love an invite. Thanks Lifehacker!

Mac OS X distinguishes itself from Windows not only for the numerous features it has but also for a few it doesn't have: