
You can't get bitter about these things. For Americans it only exists on Amazon, so it's not unreasonable for them to cite it as an Amazon show. Just be happy that a fresh creation from the British theatre world is getting recognition across the pond.

Don't skip 'Hated In The Nation'!

I'm struggling to identify any non-superficial similarities between the plots of Her Story and Shattered Memories, tbh.

Loving it - but I will be DEEPLY unimpressed if Sembene leaves the show at this point, having still not had anything resembling an arc save for propping up Ethan's (and the conveniently last-minute revelation that he had all these terrible sins to atone for). As is, particularly with him being the sole non-white face

Is it me, or are the reactions in this comment section comically overblown? HOLY SHIT SOMEONE DID A REWRITE OF AN OLD POEM WITH A DIFFERENT SUBJECT MATTER UGH FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!

It's very TVGoHome (the original Charlie Brooker television pisstake).

That final scene outside the TARDIS was so magnificent as to be out of place - in all honesty, it felt like the ending to a hypothetical different episode with the exact same premise/tone, but written by someone with a hell of a lot more creativity.

Their "anonymous contributor" ones are quite awesome, but are getting so increasingly dramatic I expect them to eventually cross over into "5 Jaw-Dropping Realities Of Being A Serial Killer" territory.

I can't get over the montage of clips that played to Liebestod, flat-out displaying Ethan's swirling psyche, as the music kept building and building and building. I liked the kiss too, but it wouldn't work even slightly as well without that magnificent buildup. I keep watching it and every time I get utterly caught up