
And then you step up to an 05 with the 400hp, and its gets even crazier. While not a super fast car by today’s standards, those Goats are surprisingly quick. Turning the traction control off of mine makes it interesting. 

Noted. Maybe I’ll have to look around the marketplace...

You’re completely right, I never thought about it that way... and I do own a welder...

Here’s a twist. Toyota/Lexus.

Interesting and encouraging to hear, I’d love to have an W211 E550 RWD.

Yes but I would guess most EV owners charge more at their home than they do on the road purely out of convenience. Most people still aren’t taking EV’s on hundred+ mile trips. I have a feeling this will have a more Subaru-ish following and people will like it for being different.

Yeah I am ready for this trend to die. Been thinking of replacing one of the 2 doors with another 4 door car, but now the market is so expensive for what I’m looking at, that I can’t bring myself to do it.

I think this will sell better than people think.

On all the roads I’ve driven on from travelling for work, has to be Michigan, Detroit specifically. For the Automotive headquarters for the big 3, I think the state would have a little more pride for the roads. 

At this point, they have too many brands with similarities to try and manage. They need to model themselves after VAG. If they targeted themselves at the right brands, they could do well. They also need to start sharing platforms between all of the.

I have a few, but I agree with some said about if you DIY have more than one car, and always give yourself more time.

Well yes but no.

I’ve said it multiple times and asked, but can I have it in a RWD sedan?

I just want Mazda to give me a lightweight RWD 4 door with an inline 6 , doesn’t matter if it’s manual or auto, I don’t care. I would buy one in every color.

There is a lot of hate going on this car, but its really not as bad as people are saying in the comments. These are people that have A) never driven one or B) take their “knowledge” from someone who knew someone who had a non Chrysler Maserati from the early 2000s. Which honestly is much more of a gamble than one with

With the low power these are putting out, I would expect them to be V-Sport models.

I absolutely love these. I was in Tokyo a few months ago and kept seeing them everywhere. I went to Toyota Megaweb (if you’re a Toyota fan and in Tokyo, check it out, its free) and sat in a beautiful TRD one for a while.


As much as people hate on Lexus for not being sporty enough, they make good cars and fantastic engines.

Please Toyota, please please please do not call this POS engine any sort of JZ. Don’t let it tarnish that legends name