
I’m not surprised this happen, kind of inevidable in a country who’s understanding of black people is limited to western interpretations and K-pop appropriation.

 I feel like Black Panther is a big stepping stone in changing a lot of the racist perceptions over there, though. But seriously, the whole k-pop and k-rap

Asians tend to be even more racist than whites, they dont even try to hide it and even feel proud of displaying it.

And no diversity for the sake of not compromising is pandering too. You can defend GTA V’s all male cast by saying it’s about masculinity but you probably don’t know much about good storytelling if you think the best way to write a story about masculinity is through only male characters. Of the 3 or 4 named main

All-men for all-men's sake is just as dumb.

Screech was suspended for violating Bayside's strict Zero-Tolerance policy regarding knives on school grounds.

The fact Elizabeth Berkley looks EXACTLY the same as she did 22 years ago in that outfit is stunning.

Boom - this is why I'm able to look past some of the more serious gaffes (I mean, there are a couple episodes that just seem out of sync storywise for my brain) - there are so many show broadcast here in the US (where I am, I don't automatically assume everyone is from here) with filler episodes it's silly. I like the

Yes, Zoisite was female but only in certain dubs. I know they made Zoisite a female in the Sweden version as well. In the other dubs, they made him a very feminine looking man, like the one in America. They drew him so feminine, that everyone thought he was female, and the voice actor didn't help the situation. To me,

My goodness, you are not the brightest. There is no need for paragraph breaks unless you are changing subjects. Paragraph breaks serve as transitions from one idea to another. If the subject hasn't changed, you do not change paragraphs. If you don't know, paragraphs are longer than five to seven sentences. And you

Well in the spanish dub Zoicite was a female, but a bad very bad female (the voice acting was awesome) and Haruka & Michiru are not cousins, are lovers. The last arks was madness.

This completely went over your head. It's an analogy for a reason. An analogy is an example. How in the world did you think I had a hand in making the edits of any version of this show? And are you lost? This wasn't rocket science, but let's try this again. (This is an example aka analogy. Again...) Me and a friend

That's still not misinformation. That's information that they need to go look up or ask about if they're confused. This is not some world wide secret. But nonetheless, now they know. And, the complaints are from fans who have watched both the ORIGINAL English and Japanese version and are now comparing it to Crystal.

Yes, I was talking about the English dubbed version for that part. Everyone knew that, including you. It's why you mentioned it. And it's not misinformation. They made Haruka and Michiru cousins in the Original English dubbed version. Try again. In the Japanese manga and anime, they were a couple. As for Zoisite being

I love the Original anime, but I think people keep forgetting, this is supposed to follow the manga, not the Original anime. The Original anime, which was completely flawed in almost every episode, barely followed the manga and was practically made up of filler episodes to keep it going, and was also a hit and miss. I