
You should talk with her if you’re not. Chemicals can permanently change after pregnancy causing depression, or she could still be suffering from postpartum depression. You talking or her talking to a professional could be beneficial.

Division of labor. That was an easy call during the first six months due to breastfeeding, there were simply things I could not do. I did baths, diapers, and general housework so that she could keep her sanity while being the every two-hours on-demand milk machine. But our son is seven now. I am the primary caretaker,

Is Fox & Friends like that every day, or did they choose today to bust out the weapons-grade patriotism?

Don’t worry everyone; Novak will be sure to shout from the rooftops if any innocents are killed. He’s an active member of the Blame America First crowd, especially since Trump was elected. If Obama had done this action (Ha!), and there had been unintended collateral damage, Novak would be as silent as a church mouse

Give you credit Adam, you got slammed hard yesterday (I was one of them) but nice to see you post the replies!

I’ve done way more word processing then I care to admit. I have never found a word processor that does anything nearly as well as Word. If you need to have complete control over the formatting of your document to submit your thesis (hundreds of footnotes, hundreds of pages, tables of contents and citations that change

Wow, do I have news for you. Literally everyone uses software they hate for work that is insecure and generally shitty. Word is arguably one of the least infuriating that I run into. Sure, technically Google Docs is an alternative, but receiving phishing emails designed to look like links to Google Docs is just as

Because my documents do look better in Word than in Google Docs. And, oh, I’m a lawyer so I don’t want my documents from my clients and for my clients on the cloud.

I got you fam, someone I came across in the tower

Um, no. This young man goes to a prestigious, $34,000/year high school, probably has excellent grades, gave a TEDxTalk, founded TWO youth organizations, worked for both Martin O’Malley’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and got invited to a dinner at the White House. I’m not saying this as an insult to

Neither did whoever came up with that ridiculous, misleading headline. Considering everything else this young man has done, I seriously doubt writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times is what got him into Stanford. But hey, it did get him the kind of attention any activist would want.

You’re an idiot if you think wiping or washing gets rid of literally millions of microscopic organisms.

Well not really, plain old soap isn’t going to kill e-coli, toilet paper definately won’t, and there’s no way in hell I’m bleaching my vagina. Motion and sweat will cause bacteria to move around in both genders, and even the cleanest woman in the world can’t escape the fact that the vagina and the anus are only

You’d be surprised how many fecal particles are all over the place, even if you think you’ve cleaned yourself.

So if we get bitten by these we’d get high? Asking for a friend.

Gameplay wise, it’s better on a console. Which is crazy talk I know, but it’s true. It did however, lack seasons.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

I’d also like proof that this guy’s job isn’t Senior Playtester, Solitaire LLC

I was three paragraphs in before I realized that the answer to “How to punch a puncher” was not “join a union.”