
The Falcon’s radar dish on the Force Awakens artwork is round. What’s up with that?

This is great and all, but can they work on automatically skipping show intros next?

They could’ve easily made an e-mustang and named it this, but this name makes no sense for this model.

I’m holding out to see if Ford will somehow buy back my ‘12 Focus, lol.

Absolutely beautiful! Question though, does anyone think they’re going to add side reflectors or are the ambers from the headlights, and red from the tails, stretched to the side enough to not require additional reflectors? Previous models had them around the wheel arches. Everything we’re seeing so far is

At least Daniels recognized he was out and didn’t proceed to fall on top of him and deliver blows to the head for good measure.

When Cap said “Avengers...assemble”.

As a 2019 Odyssey owner, and lover of it, I wouldn’t quite recommend it for you until you get child #2. Til then, get the Jaaaag!

Well, they were all in Wakanda at the end of IW and I’m sure they did a roll call after the dusting. I can’t imagine she’s “missing”.

Also, if you’re active, as in working out lifting weights or doing moves where you’re bending your wrist back a lot, you can reverse the face that way you can flip the watch so the dial is on the left. That way, now you won’t accidentally bump the dial with the back of your hand when doing push-ups or other activities.

You came away with only a sprain?! Mine’s facing 180 degrees the other way after that.

I’ve got a friend with one just over 200k on the odometer and he’s only had to replace the radiator due to something in the road getting thrown into it. Other than that it’s been routine maintenance for years. I’m actually looking for one currently and have seen several good running examples at 150k or more, though

Man I remember making the annual pilgrimage to the NOPI show at Atlanta motorspeedway to see kits like this. Good times!

And why couldn’t they give us the front of the concept? I’d be a bit happier with it. I’m otherwise indifferent to the car as a whole. 

Except Nikon developed this new sensor although Sony may very well likely have manufactured it.

Looking at the replay and the angle the ball came down in, I gotta say it looks like Parra overshot it slightly and wouldn’t have caught the ball. Fan still interfered though regardless.

Wedding photographer here....I don’t request a bride & groom to “ban” guest photography, per se, only that they request their guests to put away their cameras/cellphones during the ceremony. The rest of the day is no problem. The ceremony is a particularly special time and I’ve seen guests get up, stand in the middle

I’ve know a handful of people who’ve worked at various Apple stores that would say otherwise towards Apple reliability.

I suggested the Big Agnes Fly Creek HV UL 2 over the Copper Spur because it’s lighter (37oz. vs 49oz.) and $100 cheaper (retail).

I suggested the Big Agnes Fly Creek HV UL 2 over the Copper Spur because it’s lighter (37oz. vs 49oz.) and $100

I thought it was a typo at first, but Littoral ≠ Literal