from the original CBS Miami article:
from the original CBS Miami article:
#11: Lie, consistently, in security questions. E.g. I don’t use the actual names of pets, children, mother’s maiden name, etc.; I instead consistently substitute something completely unrelated, which follows best practices for passwords, yet not hard to remember.
Reports of Hillary setting out a perch, some sawdust and a small cup of seed on her podium are unconfirmed.
So, from the attendees, where’s the mass resignations from Microsoft to work for better companies and teams? Where’s the people vowing not to partner with Microsoft ever again? And from customers, where’s the boycotts?
It’s unfortunate there’s no way to impeach McConnell.
Which is a shame, because sjw really is an accurate way to describe some people. It’s too bad that the phrase was co-opted, overused and misused by bigots.
Attn editorial staff: “Terrifying clown Madonna” is redundant; in future headlines you can simply shorten this to “Madonna”.
Worse, but not for any white people.
It’ll be hilarious in a hundred years when white people are a significant minority, someone appropriates material from 20th century country music, and we have a variant of this conversation again.
Could someone hire me to be a moderator?
At this point it feels like tightrope-walking challenges to see who will stumble. Like some competition late in a reality TV show or American Gladiators or something. Because really, a giant gaffe or scandal is the only thing that will derail things from being solely Clinton/Trump by August 1. Isn’t it? And I say this…
I get the opposite effect - apart from with some close friends, I’ve been unable to express preference for Bernie, or especially dissatisfaction with Hillary, without being dismissed as sexist.
Where’s the Kickstarter to get pewdiepie to use up the remaining 2 minutes of his 15 minutes of fame?
If only we had a true moderate party in America so that people like Louis didn’t have to go through all these contortions to find good in people, or otherwise settle.
No, the winner of tonight is whoever is running her twitter account. Unless you’re seriously suggesting that she even thought to suggest this to her staff, let alone created it herself.
Nothing, not by the state. Nor should there be; he’s a minor.
That might have been the sound of someone hitting the 12th or 13th minute of their 15 minutes of fame.
Wait. Stacey is also a self-hating transgendered person turned conservative commentator?
Everything he said was truth, and a lot of it was funny, but in the larger scheme of things, all this is, is a token amount of penance. This is basically liberal Hollywood flagellating itself in a harmless setting for being called out on its own long-standing bullshit.
Perhaps she could go the “Last Week Tonight” route, and create a half hour once a week that lets her monologue about whatever she likes, late on Sunday nights, knowing that most of her audience will watch it time-shifted on Youtube and spread / discuss her topics virally. She seems more suited to that kind of…