
For the record, the New Yorker piece also discussed the case of the congressional staffer who accused Franken of giving her an unwelcome hug (and conceded that it might have been innocent, while insisting that didn’t matter). Several of the accusers are anonymous. Gillibrand herself concedes that she, nor anyone else,

As far as I know, all of Epstein’s victims who have come forward have received ample media attention. Am I missing something? Sure, the current focus is on his jailhouse death— it happened three days ago! Leave it Jezebel to sanctimoniously spin this as an indictment of the public’s lack of ‘introspection’.

...and probably false. The micro in Damon’s example is patting someone on the butt, the macro is child molestation. Is there any evidence whatsoever that the two are linked?

Sorry, all of this plays into the fear that we are in the midst of a moral panis. Damon is being reprimanded for suggesting that ‘micro’ forms of sexual harassment are not worthy of concern. Did he actually say anything of the sort? Absolutely not. What he said is that micro forms should not be conflated with child

This piece implies that he was stunned by the accusations against Louis CK. In context, his is clearly saying that he was aware of the accusations, had believed Louis CK’s reassurances that they were mere rumours, and was then stunned when those rumours were substantiated.
More an more, Jezebel is becoming a source of

Wow this is dumb

I think both sides here are insanely confused.

I assume his point was simply that there needs to be a complaint to police before the state can begin his prosecution. Obviously he does not think McGowan is literally responsible for prosecuting Weinstein.

Ever watched her comedy? It’s absolutely terrible. She’s the female Dane Cook.

Frankly I would be fine with her volunteering at my kid’s school. Her crimes were inspired and orchestrated by Bernardo. Criminals who have served their time need to be able to reintegrate in society without this fucking moral panic.

The greater crime is PWR BTTM’s horrifically bad music.

It’s clearly not a failing in math but a failing in grasping what the puzzle is after - counting the triangles made up of other triangles. Not ‘triangles within triangles’ as Clover states.

There’s a scene in X-Men Origins where he and cyclops do some ‘docking’.

On the basis of that video, if you can’t tell this guy is an annoying, manipulative asshole after 15 seconds of interacting with him, it’s on you.

Is this a joke? Those are all terrible looking Dad jeans. My vote would be Unbranded Stretch Skinny Fit.

Is this a joke? Those are all terrible looking Dad jeans. My vote would be Unbranded Stretch Skinny Fit.

Utterly despicable people but 13 years is insane.

How about a History of Pedo Moustaches Museum?

Can’t argue with the message but that Angry Grandpa mask isn’t fooling anyone. Shouldn’t it have been made to look like a Japanese lady?

Look forward to seeing that wooden, unblinking delivery on MSNBC sometime soon.

Exactly - we men only believe in rape when it’s useful as a ratioanle for murder. Nice that you looked past the man being murdered in this story to see this more salient point. Good lord this is blinkered and ridiculous.