Solid Snake

My five year old calls it making a "bridge" we just tell him he cant touch himself in public. Go in private if you want to grab yourself

Who still watches Netflix on their computer screen?

The Wire's ending was great and very similar to Mad Men's finale thesis on cycles starting over, that its difficult for people to truly change and life goes on.

You just described The Road Warrior

This is about ethics in genius journalism.

Cinemascores are taken as random samples from people on the way out of the theater after seeing the movie.

She's still a great character.

When the movie opens hes like a feral animal. Can't even speak just grunting commands at furiousa. As he confronts his past horrors and slowly relearns to relate to other humans, he finally exercises his demons in the last act. I felt he and Nux were the only characters to change in the movie.

I would like to blame that on autocorrect, but I'm not on my phone. Blah

Hate to try and High jack but I need a place talk about Mad Max and the review is mostly filled with pre-movie hype. Any one else see it yet?

Way to bring logic into this. That's like cheating

Wow, to avoid hyperbole this was better then my first not guilty orgasm

Just because you couldn't predict it doesn't make it not predictable.


We are fun and nice. Unless you're rude or weird. Then we will make fun of you with references you wont get


Agreed. Thats why it didn't a full Great Job from me.

I was about to say the same thing

Pretty Good Job, Internet!

True. But its not usual for the 2 main releases (PP2,MM) to be buried before the Friday of their opening weekend.