Solid Snake

Holy shit I looked it up and it's mostly true. He did an uncredited rewrite.

She was specifically paid $250k per breast in her contract.

Sounds like the beginning of an interesting movie.

Our own President just learned that for the first time last week!

I know many people who stopped watching Mad Men because they said it endorsed misogyny.

Ain't it cool

I agree with you whole heartedly and I'm sorry for my quip response. How ever I feel that there won't be a draft and your sons will be safe. I'm scared for my 6 y/o daughter since it's legal to grab her pussy now and become president.

Sure sounds like you are a white male that didn't have much to lose.

She was beatified in 2003 but canonized last month.

I don't want any part of a hole that's "burning"

Some people can't get a DL due to physical or mental disability. Or they don't want to bother taking the test because they don't need one but still need a photo ID. Many people I know who grew up in NYC didn't get their DL until they were 30+.

The show has an extremely low live viewership. I'm guessing they make more money off of Netflix and just need content to fill their schedule. Also why they get like 30 ep seasons.

Cory Booker

Isn't this better then all those "I'm sorry you were offended apologies"? He took ownership of his poor use of words and name dropped a large group of people he didn't need to for his new job.

I've had a few different people say "mute" point to me recently (one 58, another 38). The conversation always gets awkward after I point out their mistake.

Yea, I purposely left out pre pg-13 era films. the 70s and early 80s were rife with pg nudity. Both Airplane movies, the Gods Must Be Crazy, a couple John Hughes' movies

Ouch lol. But really I think it has to do with the sexuality of the scene. i can think of Titanic, Angelina Jolie in Hackers, and Some chick in the RDJ Chaplin movie off the top of my head.

When can we bring back PG-13 boobies?