Solid Snake

The only thing important enough for Tom to comment on is Batman. He takes this stuff very SERIOUS. Id watch you back Cookie_Bane if I were you.

Looks like something I'd put on at the tail end of a fifth of $10 whisky and still complain about production values.

I dont know about only podcast, but I'm pretty sure it was the first ever podcast. I have that on good authority from my mom

Now to find the other 1022 God followers so we can end this spiritual war and get Satan in all the games.

I first heard that as "bunghole" as I'm at work and my speakers are low. Lets just say it took me a few seconds to figure out what he wanted her to do to his bunghole

MANIMAL is on fire today. Did they swap you out with a new model or is it just because its friday?

This review is copy and pasted from the only user review on IMDB from a user that gave it 5/10 stars no less. His name is David Ferguson. Go back to the darkness Patel