Jackie Jormp-Jomp

i think a lot of jones' attention is based on the fact that she narrowly missed winning gold last year by crashing into a hurdle and coming in seventh place. whatever these two women had to go through to get here, it wasn't on the national stage like jones' loss in 2008.

regardless of the nature of the call, the bottom line is that canada didn't score a 4th goal and the US did. even without that penalty kick, there was plenty of time to equalize the game, and it would have happened.

i'm crying so hard at my desk right now. heavily LOLing.

i was just thinking about how that whole ice cream feeding scenario is my worst nightmare.

her sisters are also all named after flowers.

speaking as someone whose boyfriend is obsessed with cars, i have to say that i prefer wheeler dealers.

it's not a jig if you're open about it. i've had it done and i'm very willing to admit/talk about it. no one even noticed when i had the procedure, because it looks completely natural and still fairly pronounced.

i just LOL'd so hard at this.


right because they definitely would have chosen it if she were wearing jeans and a tshirt? tosh makes a living making fun of people regardless of age, weight, size, or race. i'm not saying that i support what is being shown here, i just don't know why people waste time trying to make statements about human decency

i'd guess the metallic gold bikini and the fact that she isn't wearing shoes.

i love you.

THANK YOU. this is one of my biggest pet peeves.