
I haven't met those buffoons...

I haven't met tons of them, but those that I have met have all been pretty cool, same with most priests. I think the Catholic Church has a lot of problems (including with how the nuns are treated, they're second-classes members at best), but most of it is from higher up, and has more to do with politics than anything

We always make choices that always work to the greatest benefit of the series.

Pretty much...

What in the FUCK YOU was that, Lady Gaga? Just tone it down already please.

I don't get why some guys get so whiny about them...

No ranch dressing or refills for those dickheads. Maybe I'll help myself to a couple of their fries too...

Many Cinnabons...

Well, it was probably Obama's fault somehow. Because he's a moslem from Kenya after all. I hear he's also in charge of the Illuminati. And is the appointed successor to both Hilter AND Stalin.

Well odds are Rush Limbaugh and Fox implied that ALL the meals would be halal. But I never heard anything credible to suggest this. Probably because that never happened.

I kind of just addressed this in my response to RieaBlyue, but yeah total agreement:

Of course it wasn't. But any time a person makes any statement their religion or philosophy, certain "Christian" assholes feel the need to vomit their beliefs all over the matter.

The whole Jada controversy....it's a spat between two of the most obnoxious groups of people ever!!!

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Stewart showed up 3 hours and 40 minutes late to a 4-hour-long fan meet and greet. I think that might be more offensive than just skipping it altogether?

Ok, it's always nice to see disabled people getting some love. Aka: people remembering both that they exist, and treating them in a mature non-douchey manner.

If 1-D starts performing in their underwear, I'd be willing to overlook the awful music in very small doses just for the visual performance.

It looks like she was trying to steal a tactic from MGMT. (Well, not the bikini I guess)


I guess I'm a little late to this show... (I'm replying to this comment only because it seems to be the most recent of yours, no other reason)

I'm really failing to see the cause for outrage here...