Was that an article or just a particularly awful attempt at spoken-word poetry?
Was that an article or just a particularly awful attempt at spoken-word poetry?
...the issue of illegal immigration, and how it affects our everyday lives.
Any cuts that are made to the defense budget come straight from the workers/service member's pay and benefits.
They do realize that their "protest" kind of made a point completely counter to their beliefs....right? Oh wait, they're idiots. Of course they don't realize that.
So then, next on Walmart's agenda:
Well it's not as if the current Republican politicians actually are small government anyway. They just want their particular vision for government spending. Just look at the defense budget. They love to point to the deficit, and howl about those Welfare Queens taking all of their hard-earned,…
It's a bit like two people disagreeing over whether or not The Holocaust happened, or if slavery was morally wrong or something.
This sounds like a fair number of conversations I have with my father. My family is vaguely republican (I don't vote. A good democratic candidate could get my vote, but until some major changes are made, no republican ever will) and I frequently talk politics with my dad.
I haven't seen Thor or Best Man Holiday. I did however see the previews for both a couple weeks ago at Ender's Game.
I have never watched The Bachelor and have no intentions of starting....
Oh, well if we're going there... bow ties are pretty grotesque and are only even remotely cute on small children.
I don't get why people try to make a big deal of stuff like that. I can't imagine what business it is of the school's anyway. I could see a parent becoming involved (which is pretty douchey and pointless if they're dealing with a teenager), but it's their kid, so unless it crosses a line, I'm staying out of that.
While not particularly relevant to the point of the article... I must ask, how does a tux actually manage to "offend"* these bigots in the first place? Suits are pretty unisex these days (which is moot because the student identifies as male anyway, but those idiots no doubt object to that).
It's a pretty thoroughly shitty system that really only benefits the owners (you know...that whole capitalism thing), but until we get around to changing the system, people who go out to eat have a responsibility to treat their servers fairly by tipping them.
Well....I'm not sure that the Westboro people still count as Christians (I'm also skeptical that they still count as people, but that's another matter), but I'm pretty sure that they hate the troops.
Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of a concealed weapon if someone can immediately infer not only that you are armed, but also exactly where you are keeping the weapon?
What. The. Fuck.
Seriously, you might be a bigger asshole than duldrums.