
Actually, looking at violent crime, it has about 2/3rds the crime of Detroit. I've also lived just outside of D.C. which has slightly more per capita.

Technically, it would be an "ingress" rather than "egress", but I'm just teasing you and being totally pedantic about it at the same time.

I live just outside of Hartford, CT. Hartford doesn't have the same level of crime as Detroit, but it isn't exactly low either. It's pretty well known that one does not go walking around certain areas of Hartford, especially at night, unless you are looking for, or willing to find trouble.

Yeah...I'm reading their other posts, and while I certainly have not had the displeasure of reading the discussion that you are referencing, I'm pretty sure I've reached a point where I would feel justified to "dispense with civility" in the unlikely event that I received a response.

Aside from a government authority, such as police, I have never heard of a law forcing you to open your door to anyone, for any reason.

Whatever problems Detroit may have (I've never lived there, so I only know what I hear in the news, and none of that makes me want to live there), how does this justify opening your door and pointing a weapon at someone's face?

I am a 22 year old. I do not claim to speak for every 22 year old, or even be a remotely passable cross-section of 22 year olds in general.

Had she actually broken into the house, this wouldn't really be much of an issue, as she actually would have then been a home invader.

If he had believed her a home invader....why the fuck would he open his door?

Also your pathetic 'you are the real racist for calling out racism' argument is so tired and played out...

I'm inclined to agree, and I don't even have a vulva. Also....I'm not entirely convinced that I can't see labia in that shot. I really wish I could be sure that I didn't; but quite frankly there's basically nothing left to the imagination.

If I thought she gave a flying fuck about the issue, or about anything but herself, I might be inclined to extend the same benefit of the doubt that you choose to offer her.

You're right, there will. But our current policies are doing nothing to help that. And while I totally agree with arresting the pimps, I don't think that that is enough on its own. Legalizing it brings it out into the open (and frankly renders going after the johns moot) where we can actually at least try to look


...alcohol is not enjoyable...

You're completely missing the fact that the 14th amendment makes it pretty clear that EVERYONE is entitled to their 4th amendment rights. Whatever this woman's past history (and I already have a post addressing that...feel free to find it if you care), her 4th amendment rights were completely violated by a couple of

No kidding....compared to all the completely legal, even celebrated industries out there that actually do enormous harm to people, I don't think that fucking for money is even on the map. Why does it deserve so much scorn?

....14 year olds do their share of drinking already. Alcohol is not at all difficult to get in high school.

1) Red Stripe sucks anyway, I'd probably sooner drink a Mike's Hard, and that's saying something.

Here's a crazy thought: