
Wow....so "I attempted to assert language privilege by pointing out your grammar"? Because that totally invalidates the content of a person's post.

Way to go straight for the straw man. Or maybe it wasn't meant maliciously, you just didn't understand anything they said.

Dear Tom,

Agreed. I think he was just trying to draw a monkey....

What....I'm allowed to win arguments simply by declaring "I'm very right."?

What is it about "super het" dudes and bitching about how literally everything ever makes them not want to have sex with women?

Yeah....I even liked Will & Grace, it was pretty damn funny (I watched it with my mom when I was like 12, obviously there were some early signs).

It's like she always needs to remind everybody how much she loves gay people...

Headline: "White Privilege, Classism, alive and well in other parts of the world too!"

I'm glad Lady Gaga is doing better after her surgery that I just heard about right now, and I'm glad that she's figured out her relationship with weed, I don't even know...

1) Yeah, no..

Yeah...I'm not about to defend the tech industry's well-known behavior toward women, because most of it really sucks. That said, I found the logical leap between "many women find big phones to be inconvenient" to "tech broz are excluding teh womens" to be pretty disingenuous. I'm not even suggesting that this isn't h

Oh noes!!! I made him angry by telling him he was wrong one too many times!!!

To be fair, I hadn't either. I also haven't watched Sex and the City before (limited portions while hanging out with my sister excepted)

You can sit there and claim it's irrelevant all you like. Sadly for you, this does not somehow make you correct on its own.

Now playing

..you are fighting with a strawman you've created in your own head.

That link.....just what the fucking fuck?

I completely agree with 90+% of this.

If you don't understand why women's oppression is topical especially when discussing ways and reasons that men are oppressed, then you are completely clueless.

...you've got some sort of stake...