I know what it means. My point is that some commenters don't.
I know what it means. My point is that some commenters don't.
Please buddy, you might not like everything that I said, but have the decency not to dismiss it as "screed". As wrongheaded as I think most of your arguments here have been, at least I engaged them instead of resorting to an ad hominem, and I could have been completely justified in being a good bit less nice about at…
Thanks, I try, but I'm sure there are other people out there who are WAY better at it, and generally more informed about basically everything ever.
..fire a cannon down a dark hallway..
This. So Much.
Me too, and because there is a history it is not ok to dismiss accusations based solely upon the word of the accused.
A truly enlightened comment written by someone who does not appear to have the faintest understanding of what male privilege actually is...
But typically back then, women exerted their influence as advisers, empresses and through their husbands.
Maybe that's true, but looking at the widespread pattern of discrimination and shitbaggery in schools over similar issues, are you really just going to take his word for it?
I thought it strange how at no point did administrators specify that he was prevented from bringing a purse to class because "it is the belief of Kansas school system that traditional gender roles should be strictly enforced and boys should not be allowed to act feminine."
When you were a boy, what did it mean to you? Oh....wait....
Got any good links to articles about privilege? What it is, examples, why it's often invisible, etc.? I feel like these guys need to do a little bit of homework. Maybe they could even compile their own list of privileges that muscular men enjoy over scrawny or fat guys.
I think you a word in your post... or maybe English isn't your first language.
As a man who has dealt with my share of body issues, as well as the unfair demands of society's definition of masculinity:
So it's like "hahaha I'm self-deprecating, therefore I'm allowed to treat other people badly"?
Of course not, at least I take no issue with it, whatever that's worth. My pet peeve is over people who make no effort what-so-ever to know or understand their background and have no association with it in their lives to then go and try to claim it's part of their "identity" when it suits them.
I've got to be completely honest with here. Even with the bag, he's dressed WAY better than I did at 13.
Quite frankly, even if ALL students can't carry purses or bags (and it's it's actually, fairly applied. Which I seriously doubt), fuck them. It's a completely pointless rule that serves no practical purpose other than impose the will of the administrators on the students.
Um....may "next" but not "ideally".
1) This kid is fucking awesome. I could never imagine pulling off a purse myself, but he makes it work quite well.