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    I was with you on mandatory minimums and private prisons along with a few other points you made. But, you snarky comment at the end sure did show how racist you are. I’ll continue supporting removal of mandatory minimums and ending of private for profit prisons....you can continue being openly racist and using the

    Did you slow the video down or did you find it like that. I bet you did. Hack.

    The left has been tip toeing and the right are crying babies?! LMAO What kind of backwards world do you live in? That’s as ridiculous sounding as when Trump claimed Hillary was racist!

    Wow, your journism career should really take off with this gem. News flash there are crazy people that support both Trump amd Clinton!

    I really really.....really don’t like Hillary. But, if she really did want some cheesecake and was scared to eat it out of fear from criticism, I do feel bad. I hope she was able to eat some in private.

    Which candidate in 2016 displays competence?