
I live in Chicago and take the train/bus a couple of times per week. I’m lucky in that I live close enough to work to walk.

Excellent tip...and what do you know? It’s nearly 2:45 my time...

Spirytus is a Polish grain alcohol. My family cuts it with water (about 50/50) for a still extremely potent vodka substitute. We’re a class act.

I’m sure that I just missed it, but how did Maggie get left alone? Did her interrogator get pulled away?

Does anyone know what the T-Mobile contract looks like re: Binge On? I have this feeling that T-Mobile may have know that this would end up a violation and went forward anyway. Bring in some subscribers and take a “loss” on data up front and then cancel the program and blame the FCC.

I want to improve my handwriting. Anyone have any suggestions or tutorials?

I think you’re right!

What happened to the good old days when you could just call something “Turbo” and it would sell?

My father’s go to had no name and no set filling. The base was always the same, a cold flour tortilla.

“as a guy who’s worked in the tape industry”

Now it IS art.

Can we please not encourage people to make their own lemonade? I really don’t care about it at a fast food place, but as a former server I can tell you bringing bowls of free lemon slices, sugar packets and water refills really stings.


This program is to goodwill as Human Resources is to employee satisfaction.

Totally agreed. Or import like bookmarks, etc. via Google or iCloud.