
PS. Lucky dog. I'm dying for a beer.

Is that dog drinking from “a” glass or its own glass? It’s an interesting vessel for a Guinness.

You’re welcome! :)

You know those super realistic dreams you have some times? When you wake and you’re not sure what is and isn’t real? Well years ago I had a dream that I was in some scenario where I was in super good shape and was simply in possession of a lightsaber. Just living my life, lightsaber strapped to my (much slimmer)


You’ve articulated this much better than I ever do.

I think the Falcon was designed by the good folks at ICON. Classic vehicles with brand new guts.

I’ve heard he has been to a Chinese food organization. Presumably to acquire moo shu related consumables.

Weather app that won’t display “High of 68, current temperature 71.”

I was there for Rainn’s appearance (2 years ago or 3 maybe?) and can back you up. Not a great fit. I think the audience wanted Dwight, not Mr. Soulpancake.

All great tips. Many, many times my best laid plans have gone to waste. Testing your entertainment options is critical. Better yet, test them in airplane mode to ensure some weird connectivity isn’t required.

I’m thinking he’s referring to the Huawei’s camera bulge, but I can’t be sure.

The belief in midiclorians is cannon, doesn’t mean that they were right. History is full of refuted science.

I like this idea a lot. Thanks!

Was coming to say the same thing. My ratty duffel bag repels indiscriminately. Anything of real value never leaves my side.

Does Chrome (and other iOS non-Safari browsers) get a way to take advantage of this in any way? I’d guess not, and furthermore guess Google wouldn’t be interested in allowing it anyway. Just curious if anyone knows.

I’m seeing a wifi calling options in Settings > Phone but it’s currently not available in my area. Anyone have a different experience (Chicago on AT&T).

That’s the kind of common sense and practical skepticism that got you promoted to Fleet Admiral.

Buy a prepaid burner, use it for a month and figure out your usage amount. If unhappy with the coverage, try again with a different carrier.

Am I the only one that tastes dry vermouth when I drink sake?