
Snap in half? Humble brag on your big muscles? When you grab fruit does it explode? J/k lol. I think it would be hard to snap unless you held it on it’s edges and really tried.

But you’d spend the rest of your life at home taking selfies.

But given the 512 GB version cost $800..

I just don’t understand why everyone expects everything to be free. Are developers supposed to spend hours and days and weeks developing an app to give it away for free? Would every single one of the readers here do that? I bought Solid Explorer without twitching and do not regret it all. Constantly asking for free

Calories consumed minus calories burned: it’s the simple formula for weight loss or gain. But dieters often find

Wow. There's an awful lot of bad info/advice on LifeHacker... but this article has some of the all-time worse.