Two things came to mind. (1) Even if a self-driving car went down a one-way, it should have little difficulty driving backwards. (2) Summon will work a lot better once all the human-driven vehicles are off the roads.
Two things came to mind. (1) Even if a self-driving car went down a one-way, it should have little difficulty driving backwards. (2) Summon will work a lot better once all the human-driven vehicles are off the roads.
America saves the planet from Hitler so fux+ards like you are free to say shittake like that. Good thing wexors like you are here to show us what idiots you all are. Thanks, moron.
“News for horny 13-year-old boys dominates the web.”
“...the 34-year-old actress also caught hell earlier this year for evoking the spirit of “All Lives Matter” while interrupting her Small Foot co-star Yara Shahidi as she spoke on the importance of being a role model for black women...The sooner Gina understands there’s a seat for everyone at the table, the sooner…
Investing in the NFL right now could be considered risky - especially with the premium being paid right now (which ironically has the side-effect of “rewarding” the bad behavior).
Competition is good. Poor sportsmanship is what we can do without. You not properly understanding either explains a lot.
On the contrary, there is no good reason for ever releasing OJ.