
Its not a bug, it’s a feature.

I’m looking forward to it, but the one thing that diminishes it for me it that Lena Headey is just too good of an actress. That’s a problem because the show, the audience, and the producers love her, and will keep building her character up as a result — even though, realistically, that character should be long gone,

This is me waiting for Sunday:

Also, by getting up, it allows the people in the middle/window seat some extra space, to gather their stuff, get organized, etc.

Really? I’m pretty sure we know.

Great. Up next, “Russian Olympic athletes found to have chimp genes infused with their own”.

And now, here’s more Big Bang!

I upgrade my iPhone annually, but not my iPad.

You were *so* intent on criticising Katharine and defending Moore that you completely missed that the quote was referring to David Eyck.

Now playing

Because an executive producer thought it sounded cool.

That Bear Mccreary interpretation was sooo good.

I can see having a sandwich bag on a camping trip, but not a nice clean one like that. The peanut butter and bread crumbs in mine would probably not help its optical properties. If I did remember to bring clean bags, I’d probably also remember to pack matches.

Please let him testify under oath with Kamala Harris leading the questioning.

I thought it was the fish pee.

Meh, the ocean is full of sperm. Why you do think it’s so salty?

Ha... just imagine someone hacking a car’s accelerator by remotely hooking it up to a hamster on a wheel and letting the hamster control the car’s speed!!!

In other words, the pilot has to take off and land. The plane does the rest.

What can I say? Jupiter Ascending was a mess, and still beautiful, sci-fi fun!