If you’re looking for a way to shoot down snooping drones in the near dystopian future, or just want to pretend to…
If you’re looking for a way to shoot down snooping drones in the near dystopian future, or just want to pretend to…
That’s basically my take. I enjoy a bit of RNG as I enjoy “loot” games as long at the odds aren’t totally ridiculous. Where it crosses the line is when IAPs and real money start to get involved. Because, yeah, it’s more or less a backdoor way to have gambling.
Destiny’s set up isn’t perfect.
In a game like Destiny, this is acceptable. The rarity and randomness is an element of the game design - it might be frustrating, but it’s frustrating (and eventually rewarding) in the same way, for everyone.
Deals on standard A19 LED light bulbs are a dime a dozen these days, but we don’t see as many good discounts on LED…
But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.
I’m surprised he was able to walk in the sun considering he’s a vampire.
Can we talk about that picture of Don Jr... just as soon as I stop vomiting?
Look at Verizon, they’ll pay up to $300 for any remainder of your contract if you switch-
I’ve been looking at sprint all day and it makes my head hurt. A new lease is 33 a month for 17 months and I can upgrade in 12 on iPhone for life. I’m on a lease now so I either have to return my phone or pay off the lease which is currently $300 with tax. I pay off and trade in my phone they’ll credit the $33 a…
Well, to be fair, nobody buys a Bugatti because they’re after fuel efficiency.
I mean...how many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?…
It isn’t just the fact that Trump will come uncomfortably close to winning that gives me a case of the howling fantods. It’s also the fact that, even assuming he is defeated, he’s brought all manner of disgusting creeps out into the sunlight to frolic and play together. The slow, panicky, painful death of absolute…
I’d be enjoying the Trump shitshow if I wasn’t genuinely terrified that he could win the election. His campaign has done everything wrong and yet it’s still going along.
It’s for the primaries, and whether you have to register by party and whether or not that limits which primary you can vote in varies by state. Some states are open. You can be any party or none and vote in any primary. Some you can only vote if you’re registered with that party and only in their primary. Some you can…
Are there any numbers on how many republicans are voting for Hillary because of Trump? I understand you can’t get exact numbers on this, but more or less?
I am so sad I know so many Drumpf supporters. Because my esteem for each of them is forever and irrevocably diminished, family includes.
This boulder of shit is incapable of honesty. And as disturbing as that may be, the fact that there are millions walking among us who believe him to be a capable choice for President is fucking frightening.
You should see the Olympic pin collection: Hep C, Zika, EColi, strep.